Pengarang: Ivar Dedekam

Ivar Dedekam, of Dedekam Design, specialises in uniquely illustrated nautical manuals which are easy to understand and remember. Ivar has been sailing for over 30 years and has logged more than 50, 000 nautical miles, including three Atlantic crossings. His book Illustrated Sail & Rig Tuning is an international success and has been published in 19 languages.

5 Ebooks by Ivar Dedekam

Ivar Dedekam: Illustrated Sail & Rig Tuning
A beautifully, uniquely illustrated nautical guide to how to trim your sails and rig for maximum performance. With a revolutionary approach, this guide tackles the practical and realistic elements of …
Ivar Dedekam: Illustrated Seamanship
Today, yachts are often equipped with electrical windlasses, autopilot, bow thrusters, etc. This equipment has also become much more reliable, making it possible to make long offshore passages withou …
Ivar Dedekam: Illustrated Navigation
Today, yachts are often equipped with radar, GPS, chart plotters, AIS, etc. This equipment has also become much more reliable, making it possible to make long offshore passages without a great knowle …
Ivar Dedekam: Illustrated Seamanship
Seamanship is the art of managing a boat. This book is a follow-up to the successful Sail & Rig Tuning and Illustrated Navigation covering knots, docking the boat and anchoring, all illustrated in Iv …
Ivar Dedekam: Segel- und Riggtrimm
Trimmen für Einsteiger und Experten Dieses Buch gibt eine Einführung, wie man die verschiedenen Segel und das Rigg einer Segelyacht am besten trimmt. Das Trimmen der Segel und des Riggs ist entscheid …