Pengarang: J. Anderson

STUART BLUME Professor of Science Dynamics in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands ROBERT BUD Principal Curator of Medicine at the London Science Museum, UK CHRISTOPHER CRENNER Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of the History and Philosophy of Medicine and Internal Medicine at the University of Kansas School of Medicine, USA NEIL HANDLEY Curator of the British Optical Association Museum at the College of Optometrists in London, UK FLIS HENSWOOD Reader in Social Informatics at the University of Brighton, UK PATRIK HIDEFJÄLL Marketing Director, Gothia Medical THOMAS P. HUGHES Mellon Professor Emeritus of the History of Science at the University of Pennsylvania and Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA GERALD KUTCHER Dean”s Professor of the History of Medicine, The State University of New York, Binghamton, USA CHRISTOPHE LÉCUYER Research Historian and Program Manager at the Chemical Heritage Foundation JOHN V. PICKSTONE Research Professor in the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHSTM), University of Manchester, UK JONATHAN REINARZ Lecturer at the Centre for the History of Medicine at Birmingham Medical School, UK PETER L. TWOHIG Canada Research Chair and Associate Professor at Saint Mary”s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada TAKAHIRO UEYAMA Professor in the Faculty of Economics at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan SALLYWYATT Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCo R), University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

18 Ebooks by J. Anderson

C. Timmermann & J. Anderson: Devices and Designs
In this volume, leading scholars in the history and sociology of medicine focus their attention on the material cultures of health care. They analyze how technology has become so central to medicine …
J. Anderson & F. Neary: Surgeons, Manufacturers and Patients
The Total Hip Replacement was invented by British surgeons after World War Two. It became the basis of a multi-billion global industry in joint replacement. This pioneering study ranges from inventiv …
J. Anderson: How To Make Marquetry Pictures
This vintage book is a comprehensive and practical guide to the craft of marquetry – a decorative work made from inlaid wood and veneer to form patterns or pictures. Illustrated by useful diagrams an …
J. Anderson: If Only
At some point in a persons life, he or she makes a wrong choice. When the heart is involved, wrong choices can be devastating. If Only is a creative reimagining of reality, inspired by actual events …
Atle Naess: Galileo Galilei – When the World Stood Still
‘I, Galileo, son of the late Vincenzio Galilei, Florentine, aged seventy years …kneeling before you Most Eminent and Reverend Lord Cardinals …I abjure, curse, detest the aforesaid errors and here …
J. Anderson & J. Laver: Cognitive Representation of Speech
The 32 main papers, taken together, provide a comprehensive review of speech research by scientists who have made leading contributions to our understanding of the topics discussed. The papers are as …
J. Anderson & Jens Hoff: Democracy and Citizenship in Scandinavia
Major changes in citizenship and democracy have taken place in Scandinavia within the last two decades. Participation in conventional forms of politics has declined markedly, and the ability of insti …
J. Anderson: Medical Informatics Europe 78
These proceedings reflect the major scientific contribution by the First International Congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics. The European Federation for Medical Informatics is …
J Anderson: Chemisorption And Reactions On Metallic Films V1
Chemisorption and Reactions on Metallic Films, Volume 1 is a six-chapter text that describes the role of evaporated metal films in advancing the understanding of the metal-gas interface chemistry. Ch …
J Anderson: Chemisorption And Reactions On Metallic Films V2
Chemisorption and Reactions on Metallic Films, Volume 2 is a four-chapter text that describes the role of evaporated metal films in advancing the understanding of the metal-gas interface chemistry an …
J. Anderson: Language and imagination in the Gawain poems
This major new literary study offers a fresh view of the significance of the famous group of fourteenth-century poems, ‘Pearl’, ‘Cleanness’, ‘Patience’ and ‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’. It is a …
J. Anderson: Language and imagination in the Gawain poems
This major new literary study offers a fresh view of the significance of the famous group of fourteenth-century poems, ‘Pearl’, ‘Cleanness’, ‘Patience’ and ‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’. It is a …
Marc Bloch: Land and Work in Mediaeval Europe (Routledge Revivals)
Land and Work in Mediaeval Europe was first published in English in 1967. Throughout the work, the idea that Marc Bloch was not only a historian but a great teacher is exemplified, as is his ability …
Marc Bloch: Land and Work in Mediaeval Europe (Routledge Revivals)
Land and Work in Mediaeval Europe was first published in English in 1967. Throughout the work, the idea that Marc Bloch was not only a historian but a great teacher is exemplified, as is his ability …
Marc Bloch: The Ile-de-France (Routledge Revivals)
First published in English in 1971, The Ile-de-France presents the reader with a study of the countryside around Paris through the eyes of Marc Bloch, a man with his own view of history. It looks at …
Marc Bloch: The Ile-de-France (Routledge Revivals)
First published in English in 1971, The Ile-de-France presents the reader with a study of the countryside around Paris through the eyes of Marc Bloch, a man with his own view of history. It looks at …
Marc Bloch: The Royal Touch (Routledge Revivals)
First published in English in 1973, The Royal Touch explores the supernatural character that was long attributed to royal power. Throughout history, both France and England claimed to hold kings with …
Marc Bloch: The Royal Touch (Routledge Revivals)
First published in English in 1973, The Royal Touch explores the supernatural character that was long attributed to royal power. Throughout history, both France and England claimed to hold kings with …