With an international line-up of contributors, this book examines challenges to racism in and through sport. It addresses the different agents of change in the context of wider socio-political shifts and explores issues of policy formation, practices in sport and anti-racism in sport, and the challenge to sport today.
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Foreword by Lord Herman Ouseley Introduction: Positioning Anti-Racism in Sport and Sport in Anti-Racism; J.Long & K.Spracklen Thinking ‘Race’ and Ethnicity in (Dutch) Sports Policy and Research; J.van Sterkenburg PART I: PRACTICES ‘In This Shrinking World’: ‘Race’, the Olympics and the Wind of Change; S.Wagg The Post-Apartheid Scenario in South Africa; S.Ramsamy Using Charters and Standards to Promote Anti-Racism in Sport; K.Spracklen & J.Long ‘What I said was racist – but I’m not a racist’: Anti-Racism and the White Sports/Media Complex; B.Carrington Race Matters In Australian Sport; C.Tatz PART II: IDENTITIES Natural Born Athletes? Australian Aboriginal People and the Double-edged Lure of Professional Sport; D.Adair & M.Stronach Just a Dream? Structure, Power, and Agency in Basketball; S.N.Brooks Global Integration in the Nation: The Emergence of Non-white Athletes and Antiracist Initiatives in Norwegian Elite Sport; M.Andersson Gender and Cultural Diversity in Australian Sport; C.Foley, T.Taylor & H.Maxwell PART III: CHALLENGES Marching Altogether? Football Fans Taking a Stand Against Racism; P.Thomas It’s Not as Simple as Black and White: Challenging Racism in Professional Football through Locally Grounded Multi-agency Collaboration; S.Bradbury Does Diversity in Sport Reduce Racial Prejudice?; G.B.Cunningham Too Radical? Critical Race Theory and Sport Against Racism in Ireland; K.Hylton So What Has Changed (and What has to Change)?; J.Long & K.Spracklen Bibliography
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DARYL ADAIR is Associate Professor of Sport Management at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia METTE ANDERSSON is Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology, University of Bergen, Norway STEVEN BRADBURY is a Senior Research Associate at the Institute of Youth Sport at Loughborough University, UK SCOTT N. BROOKS is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Riverside, USA BEN CARRINGTON teaches sociology at the University of Texas at Austin, USA and is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Carnegie Faculty of Sport and Education at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK GEORGE B. CUNNINGHAM is an Associate Professor of Sport Management at Texas A&M University, USA and Director of the Laboratory for Diversity in Sport CARMEL FOLEY is a Lecturer at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia KEVIN HYLTON is Reader in the Social Science of Sport, Leisure and PE at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK HAZEL MAXWELL is a Ph D candidate and academic in the School of Leisure, Sport and Tourism at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia SAM RAMSAMY is a member of the IOC Executive Board and Vice President of the International Swimming Federation (FINA) KARL SPRACKLEN is Principal Lecturer in the Socio-Cultural Aspects of Sport and Leisure at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK COLIN TATZ is Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University (in Social Sciences) and the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Australia TRACY TAYLOR is Professor of Sport Management and the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Business at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia PAUL THOMAS is Senior Lecturer in Youth and Community Work at the University of Huddersfield, UK JACCO VAN STERKENBURG is a Ph D-researcher and teaches at Utrecht University, The Netherlands STEPHEN WAGG is Professor of Sport and Society at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK