JOAN DEBARDELEBEN is Chancellor”s Professor in the Institute of European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies at Carleton University, Canada. She is also Director of the Centre for European Studies. She is the editor and contributing author to numerous volumes. Her recent publications deal with EU–Russian relations and with Russian politics, particularly relating to democratization, elections, public opinion, and federalism.
JON H. PAMMETT is Professor of Political Science at Carleton University, Canada. He is also co-Director of the Carleton University Survey Centre and Canadian delegate to the International Social Survey Programme. He is co-author of
Political Choice in Canada and
Absent Mandate, books about voting behaviour in Canadian elections. He has published journal articles on public opinion and voting behaviour in Canada and Russia and has also worked in the field of political education.
1 Ebooks by J. Pammett
J. DeBardeleben & J. Pammett: Activating the Citizen
The decline of citizen involvement affects two key elements of democratic government: elections and political parties. Activating the Citizen examines the reasons underlying citizen withdrawal and ex …