This book discusses the mathematical interests of Joachim Schwermer, who throughout his career has focused on the cohomology of arithmetic groups, automorphic forms and the geometry of arithmetic manifolds. To mark his 66th birthday, the editors brought together mathematical experts to offer an overview of the current state of research in these and related areas. The result is this book, with contributions ranging from topology to arithmetic. It probes the relation between cohomology of arithmetic groups and automorphic forms and their L-functions, and spans the range from classical Bianchi groups to the theory of Shimura varieties. It is a valuable reference for both experts in the fields and for graduate students and postdocs wanting to discover where the current frontiers lie.
Jadual kandungan
L. Clozel: Globally analytic p{adic representations of the pro{p Iwahori subgroup of GL(2) and base change, II: a Steinberg tensor product theorem.- N. Grbac: Eisenstein cohomology and automorphic L-functions.- G. Harder: Eisenstein Cohomology for SL2(Z[i]) and Special Values of L-functions.- K-W. Lan and B. Stroh: Nearby cycles of automorphic _etale sheaves, II.- J. Mahnkopf: On slope subspaces of cohomology of p-adic Verma modules.- A. Raghuram and M. Sarnobat: Cohomological representations and functorial transfer from classical groups.- M.D. Baker and A.W. Reid: Congruence link complements{a 3-dimensional Rademacher Conjecture.- R.A. Kucharczyk and P. Scholze: Topological realizations of absolute Galois groups.- T.N. Venkataramana: Arithmeticity of some monodromy groups.