This student-friendly introduction to the field focuses on understanding social and practical problems and developing intervention strategies to address them. Offering a balance of theory, research, and application, the updated
Third Edition includes the latest research, as well as new, detailed examples of qualitative research throughout. The book begins with separate chapters that define the field, examine social psychological theory, review research methods, and consider the design and evaluation of interventions. Subsequent content chapters focus on the application of social psychological theory and knowledge to such areas as counseling, sports, media, health, education, organizations, criminal justice, community, environment, and diversity.
Jadual kandungan
1. Defining the Field of Applied Social Psychology – Frank W. Schneider, Jamie A. Gruman, and Larry M. Coutts
Social Psychology
Defining Social Psychology
Social Psychology as a Science
Applied Social Psychology
Applied Social Psychology as a Science
The Role of Personal Values
Historical Context of Applied Social Psychology
A Problem Focus
Approaches to Applied Social Psychology
Social Influences on Behavior: The Power of the Situation
Levels of Analysis
The Need for a Broad Approach
Various Roles of Applied Social Psychologists
Overview of Book
2. Social Psychological Theory – Michelle A. Krieger, Greg A. Chung-Yan, and Shelagh M. J. Towson
The Scientific Process
Theory in Social Psychology
Functions of Social Psychological Theories
Characteristics of Social Psychological Theories
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Summing Up Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Theory of Planned Behavior
Summing Up the Theory of Planned Behavior
3. Research Methods in Applied Social Psychology – Kenneth M. Cramer and Louise R. Alexitch
Methods of Data Collection
Variables and Their Measurement
Self-Report Methods: The Special Case of Surveys
Observational Methods
Research Designs
True Experiments
Correlational Studies
Descriptive Studies
Research Settings
Qualitative Research Methods
Research Ethics
4. Intervention and Evaluation – Adam Lodzinski, Michiko S. Motomura, and Frank W. Schneider
Design of Interventions
Nature of Interventions
Key Tasks in Intervention Design and Delivery
Evaluation of Interventions
Reasons for Evaluating Interventions
Ineffective Interventions
Types of Evaluation
Importance of Research Design in Evaluating Interventions
Evidence-Based Interventions
An Intervention Example: Reducing Alcohol Problems on Campus
Identifying the Problem
Developing a Solution: Forming the Intervention Hypothesis
Goal Setting and Designing the Intervention
Implementing the Intervention
Evaluating the Intervention
Incorporating Qualitative Methods to Design and Evaluate Interventions
Further Applications of Social Norm Theory
Other Interventions
Examples of Other Interventions
Complex Problems Require Complex Solutions
Influencing Social Policy
Intervention Issues
Process Issues
Ethical Issues
5. Applying Social Psychology to Clinical and Counseling Psychology – Kenneth E. Hart and Phillip A. Ianni
The Origins of Psychological Disorders
The Social Psychological Roots of Social Anxiety
A Social Psychological Model of Depression
The Treatment and Prevention of Psychological Disorders
Self-Presentation Theory: An Approach to Treating Social Anxiety
Hopelessness Theory Approach to Treating Depression
The Diagnosis of Psychological Disorders
Biases in Clinical Decision Making
Final Thoughts
6. Applying Social Psychology to Sports Teams – Philip Sullivan, Deborah L. Feltz, and Lori Dithurbide
Team Dynamics
Team Cohesion
Team Confidence
Effective Communication
Team Goal Setting
Team Building
Family Psychology Intervention
Communication Training Intervention
7. Applying Social Psychology to the Media – David R. Ewoldsen and Beverly Roskos
How Does Media Violence Affect Us?
The Consequences of Viewing Media Violence
Imitation of Violence
Media Violence and Aggressive Thoughts
Media Violence and Fear
What Happens When We Watch Pornography?
Effects of Long-Term Exposure to Nonviolent Pornography
Effects of Exposure to Embedded Violent Sexual Material
Reducing the Harmful Effects of Exposure to Violent Sexual Material
Does Political News Coverage Affect Us?
How the Media Influence Our Thoughts
Effects of Negative Media Coverage of the Government
8. Applying Social Psychology to Health – Kathryn D. Lafreniere and Kenneth M. Cramer
Health Psychology Defined
The Biopsychosocial Model
Social Variables and Health
Promoting Health and Preventing Illness
Persuasion and Social Influence in Media Health Coverage
Health Literacy: Evaluating Health-Related Information on the Internet
Family, Peer, and School Influences
Changing Health Behavior
Health Belief Model
Theory of Planned Behavior
Transtheoretical Model
Stress, Coping, and Social Support
Stress and Coping
Social Support
9. Applying Social Psychology to Education – Louise R. Alexitch
Intrapersonal Processes: Increasing Success, Reducing Failure
What Factors Affect Student Performance?
How Can Student Performance Be Improved?
Interpersonal Processes: Teachers and Students Interacting
Teacher Expectations and Student Achievement
Students Interacting With Other Students
When Interactions Turn Ugly: Aggression in School
10. Applying Social Psychology to Organizations – Larry M. Coutts and Jamie A. Gruman
The Individual in an Organizational Context
Making Sense of Others in the Work Environment
Job Satisfaction: Antecedents and Consequences
Interpersonal Processes in Organizations
Group Decision Making
11. Applying Social Psychology to the Criminal Justice System – David M. Day and Stéphanie B. Marion
The Crime and the Criminal
The Social Psychology of a Crime
The Origins of Criminal Behavior
The Response of the Criminal Justice System
The Police Investigation
The Courtroom
The Prison Setting
12. Applying Social Psychology to the Community – Kathryn D. Lafreniere, Stewart Page, and Charlene Y. Senn
What Is Community Psychology?
Defining Community Psychology
Origins of Community Psychology
Community Psychology Values and Approaches
Sense of Community
Life in the City
The Internet as a Community and Source of Help
Diversity Versus Prejudice and Stigmatization
The Importance of Diversity
Research on Stigmatization
The Media and Stigmatization
Bringing About Social Change
Social Action and Activism
Using Research to Influence Social Change
Activism in Research
Influencing Policy
Changing Structural or Social Barriers
13. Applying Social Psychology to the Environment – Robert Gifford
Resource Dilemmas
A Family of Dilemmas
What Is a Resource Dilemma?
Studying Resource Dilemmas
Strategies for Inducing Pro-Environment Behavior
The Built Environment
Social Design
Defensible Space
14. Applying Social Psychology to Diversity – Catherine T. Kwantes and Sherry Bergeron
Societies: Cultural Diversity
Hofstede’s Cultural Taxonomy
Schwartz’s Values Framework
Social Axioms Approach
Demographics: Personal Diversity
Ethnic Background
Social Class
Consequences of Diversity: Opportunities and Challenges
Creativity and Innovation
Problem Solving
Prejudice and Discrimination
Theories of Conflict
Conflict Management and Resolution
15. Applying Social Psychology to Personal Relationships – Ann L. Weber and Jennifer Dobson
The Need to Be Close
Proximity and Familiarity
Physical Attractiveness
Infant Attachment
Adult Attachment Styles
Assess Your Attachment Style
Applying Attachment Lessons
The Selection Process
The T-Shirt Study
Selection Process Lessons and Applications
Conclusion: The Science of Closeness
16. Applying Social Psychology to the Classroom – Randolph A. Smith
Cognitive Errors and Student–Teacher Relations
Fundamental Attribution Error
Belief Perseverance
Social Categorization
Self-Perceptions and Their Academic Consequences
Self-Serving Bias
Overjustification Effect
Conclusion: Social Psychology in the Classroom
17. Applying Social Psychology to the Good Life: Balancing Optimism and Pessimism – Jamie A. Gruman, Kenneth E. Hart, and Phillip A. Ianni
Introduction to Positive Social Psychology
Introduction to Optimism–Pessimism
Self-Assessment of Optimism–Pessimism
The Social Psychology of Optimism
The Benefits of Optimism
Positive Coaching Exercises
A Balanced View of Optimism and Pessimism
Broadening the Perspective on Well-Being
Author Index
Subject Index
About the Editors
Mengenai Pengarang
Larry M. Coutts (Ph D, University of Windsor) is the president of L. M. Coutts & Associates, an organizational and human resource management consulting firm, and teaches part-time in the Sprott School of Business, Carleton University. Larry is a former Director of Research and Development for the human resource consulting company EPSI Inc. and a former Assistant Professor in the Applied Social Psychology division at the University of Windsor. He also has held positions with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police as director of the Organizational Design and Job Evaluation Branch and as a senior research principal with both the Personnel Research Branch and the Canadian Police College. His research interests include industrial and organizational psychology, specifically personnel selection (assessment centers, simulation exercises, structured interviews, and testing) and organizational change and development. Much of his published research has focused around law enforcement settings (personnel selection in law enforcement, police hiring and promotion, senior police executive development, etc.).