A pilot ?ying to a distant city needs to check his position, ?ight path and weather conditions, and must constantly keep his plane under control to land safely.The Ifosurveydataprovideadvanceinformationonchangingeconomic weather conditions and help keep the economy under control. To be sure, by their very nature they only provide short-term information. But like a plane, the economy will not be able to reach its long-term goals if it strays o? course in the short term. The Ifo survey data provide the most comprehensive and accurate, – to-date database in Europe on the state of the business cycle, and the Ifo climate indicator, sometimes simply called “The Ifo”, is the most frequently cited indicator of its kind in Europe. Both the European stock market and theeuroreacttoourindicator.Ifo’smethodologyfordeterminingthebusiness climateindicatorhasbeenexportedtomorethan?ftycountries, mostrecently to Turkeyand China.The Ifopeoplewereproudtohavebeenaskedtohelpset up polling systems in these countries. It is said that the Chinese government relies more on their “Ifo indicator” than on their o?cial accounting statistics.
Jadual kandungan
Business Cycle Analysis.- Forecasting Quarterly German GDP at Monthly Intervals Using Monthly Ifo Business Conditions Data.- Real Wages and Business Cycle Asymmetries.- Evaluating the German Inventory Cycle Using Data from the Ifo Business Survey.- Do Ifo Indicators Help Explain Revisions in German Industrial Production?.- A Leading Indicator for the Dutch Economy.- Survey Activity of the Ifo Institute.- Monetary Policy Analysis.- Firm Size and Monetary Policy Transmission — Evidence from German Business Survey Data.- The Role of the Ifo Business Climate Indicator and Asset Prices in German Monetary Policy.- Credibility and Transparency of Central Banks: New Results Based on Ifo’s World Economic Survey.