Pengarang: Jason (Jaybee) Bromley

Jay Bee is of Adnyamathanha, Yarluyandi, and Narungga descent.Jay Bee has earned a range of vocational and academic qualifications including a teaching qualification. Jay Bee has spent the better part of the past 30 years delivering education, training, development, and capacity building programs to Aboriginal communities across Australia. As an educator, Jay Bee often considered writing books to inspire Aboriginal youth to enjoy reading and to extend the understanding of Aboriginal culture to the world.Jay Bee”s unstinting support of the Yuratu Mathanha Senior Women”s Group through their silk painting workshops over many years has led to individuals exhibiting and selling their artwork.

2 Ebooks by Jason (Jaybee) Bromley

Heather Gordon: Barossa Nanna and the Lorikeet
Barossa Nanna agrees to look after a lorikeet for a week. The lorikeet has special food and special toys. There are foods a lorikeet must not eat. Barossa Nanna struggles to keep up with the clever l …
Heather Gordon & Jason (Jaybee) Bromley: Barossa Nanna and the Hungry Magpies
Australian magpies forage for food on the ground. They are often seen foraging on roadside verges. Sometimes, people give magpies ‘treats’. The ‘treats’ people give magpies might harm them. Two magpi …