This book addresses the increasing overlap between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and law with a particular focus on company law and corporate governance. What is the impact of CSR on company law and corporate governance and, vice versa? How do these systems impact on CSR? Do they enable, require or prevent the socially responsible conduct of companies, for example, through corporate theory, directors’ duties or disclosure laws? What is the role of shareholders and directors in the promotion of CSR?
The theme of the book ensures a sharing of ideas and experiences globally and internationally for all jurisdictions to consider core legal and social aspects of CSR.
Jadual kandungan
Part I Introductory Overview:
Jean J du Plessis, Umakanth Varottil and Jeroen Veldman, The Significance of Moving Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).-
Part II Corporate Social Responsibility: Conceptual Frameworks and Stakeholders:
Gill North, Well governed, Sustainable and Socially Responsible Financial Corporationsr Real Expectations?.-
Cindy A Schipani, Terry Morehead Dworkin and Junhai Liu, The Role of Employee Voice in Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility in China.-
Jeroen Veldman, Responsibility and the Modern Corporation.-
Part III Board Structure and Accountability:
Afra Afsharipour, Corporate Social Responsibility and the Corporate Board.-
Jingchen Zhao, Regulation of Corporate Social Responsibility through the Lens of Board Accountability and the Case of China.-
Part IV Corporate Social Responsibility Legislation and Implementation: Evidence and Experience:
Patrick C Leyens, Corporate Social Responsibility in European Union Law: Foundations, Developments, Enforcement.-
Andreas Rühmkorf, From Transparency to Due Diligence Laws?.-
Alexander Scheuch, Soft Law Requirements with Hard Law Effects?.-
Umakanth Varottil, Analysing the CSR Spending Requirements under Indian Company Law.
Mengenai Pengarang
Jean J du Plessis, Deakin University, Australia
Umakanth Varottil, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Jeroen Veldman, University of London, London, United Kingdom