Jadual kandungan
Celestial Integration, Stringy Invariants, and Chern-Schwartz-Mac Pherson Classes.- Valuations Compatible with a Projection.- Quelques Résultats sur Certaines Fonctions à Lieu Singulier de Dimension 1.- Classification of Rational Unicuspidal Projective Curves whose Singularities Have one Puiseux Pair.- Bounding from below the Degree of an Algebraic One-dimensional Foliation Having a Prescribed Algebraic Solution.- Trajectory Singularities for a Class of Parallel Motions.- Vertices and Inflexions of Plane Sections of Surfaces in ?3.- Local Topology of Reducible Divisors.- The Geometry of Flecnodal Pairs.- Path Formulation for Z 2 ? Z 2-equivariant Bifurcation Problems.- The Multiplicity of Pairs of Modules and Hypersurface Singularities.- Lagrangian and Legendrian Singularities.- F-manifolds from Composed Functions.- On Equisingularity of Families of Maps (?n, 0) ? (? n+1, 0).- Projected Wallpaper Patterns.- Modular Lines for Singularities of the T-series.- Do Moduli of Goursat Distributions Appear on the Level of Nilpotent Approximations?.- Calculation of Mixed Hodge Structures, Gauss-Manin Connections and Picard-Fuchs Equations.- Whitney Equisingularity, Euler Obstruction and Invariants of Map Germs from ?n to ?3, n > 3.- Versality Properties of Projective Hypersurfaces.- Minimal Intransigent Hypersurfaces.- On the Link Space of a ?-Gorenstein Quasi-Homogeneous Surface Singularity.- Singularity Exchange at the Frontier of the Space.- Mackey Functors on Provarieties.