The Essential College Professor is about the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of being a faculty member today. Based on the author’s series of highly successful faculty development workshops, each chapter deals concisely with the most important information college professors need at their fingertips when confronted by a particular challenge or faced with an exciting opportunity. Written both as a comprehensive guide to an academic career and as a ready reference to be consulted whenever needed, The Essential College Professor emphasizes proven solutions over untested theories and stresses what faculty members have to know now in order to be successful in their careers.
Each chapter is concluded by a short exercise that faculty members can perform to help them, for instance, completely revise a course by restructuring the syllabus and course materials, bring new life to a research project by reframing it as a book proposal or grant application, and so on.
Jadual kandungan
The Author ix
Introduction xi
Part I: The College Professor’s Career
1. Applying for a Faculty Position 1
2. Interviewing for a Faculty Position 14
3. What Kind of Professor Are You? 28
4. Career Planning for College Professors 38
5. The Tenure and Promotion Process 47
6. Special Challenges for Junior Faculty 57
7. Special Challenges for Midcareer Faculty 67
8. Special Challenges for Senior Faculty 75
9. Taking the Next Step in Your Career 82
Part II: The College Professor as Teacher
10. Assessing Student Learning 87
11. Writing an Effective Course Syllabus 102
12. Developing Creative Course Materials 114
13. Teaching Small Classes 124
14. Teaching Large Classes 131
15. Teaching One-on-One 141
16. Teaching with Technology 148
17. Reducing Grade Anxiety 157
18. Promoting Student Engagement 166
19. Addressing Academic Misconduct 178
20. Maintaining Appropriate Faculty-Student Relations 186
21. Dealing with Student Problems and Problem Students 198
22. Taking the Next Step in Your Teaching 208
Part III: The College Professor as Scholar
23. Writing a Grant Proposal 220
24. Writing a Book Proposal 232
25. Overcoming Research Block 240
26. Balancing Scholarship with Other Duties 251
27. Seeking and Providing Peer Support for Scholarship 259
28. Alternative Forms of Scholarship 267
29. Taking the Next Step in Your Scholarship 278
Part IV: The College Professor as Citizen
30. Service Reconsidered 289
31. Creating an Effective Curriculum Vitae 299
32. Seeking Leadership Positions 314
33. Serving on Committees 324
34. Serving as an Academic Advisor 334
35. Serving as a Mentor 344
36. Handling Conflict with a Supervisor 355
37. Handling Conflict with Colleagues 365
38. The Faculty Member as Fundraiser 374
39. Exploring the Possibility of Administrative Work 382
40. Taking the Next Step in Your Service 397
Epilogue: A Checklist for the Essential College Professor 405
Mengenai Pengarang
Jeffrey L. Buller is dean of the Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College at Florida
Atlantic University and author of The Essential Department Chair and The Essential Academic Dean.