Pengarang: Jessica Halofsky

Dr. Jessica Halofsky is a Research Scientist in the University of Washington, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences. She has been involved in climate change research since 2008, and is a national leader in climate change adaptation, especially the application of climate change science in natural resource management. The author of many journal articles and book chapters on climate change and fire ecology, this will be her first book. Dr. David Peterson is a Senior Research Biologist with the U.S. Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station. He has been involved in climate change research for 25 years and is a national leader in climate change assessment and adaptation. The author of 220 scientific articles, this will be his fourth book, including Climate Change and United States Forests (a Choice Award winner published by Springer in 2014).

1 Ebooks by Jessica Halofsky

Jessica Halofsky & David L. Peterson: Climate Change and Rocky Mountain Ecosystems
This book is the result of a team of approximately 100 scientists and resource managers who worked together for two years to understand the effects of climatic variability and change on water resourc …