Pengarang: Jill Heisey

Peter Greer is president and CEO of HOPE International, a global, Christ-centered microfinance organization serving throughout Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe.Internationally, Peter served as a microfinance adviser in Cambodia, technical adviser for Self-Help Development Foundation in Zimbabwe and managing director for Urwego in Rwanda. As an advocate for the church?s role in missions and alleviating extreme poverty, Peter has been a featured speaker at conferences such as Catalyst, Passion and Harvest International's Development Conference and Jubilee, and he has been featured in Christianity Today, World, Forbes, Relevant and Outcomes magazine, and on CNN.Peter is the author or coauthor of The Poor Will Be Glad, The Spiritual Danger of Doing Good, Mission Drift, Entrepreneurship for Human Flourishing, Stop Helping Us and Watching Seeds Grow. Peter and his wife, Laurel, live in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, with their three children.

2 Ebooks by Jill Heisey

Peter Greer & Jill Heisey: Rooting for Rivals
Reject Pride of Ownership in Pursuit of a Higher Mission Christian organizations have come to be known mostly for what we’re against. And all too often, that includes being against each other. But am …
Peter Greer & Jill Heisey: How Leaders Lose Their Way
Stay True to Your Mission for the Long Haul How Leaders Lose Their Way is a powerful and reflective exploration of the pitfalls that can send leaders off course—drawing lessons from the life of King …