Forensic Music Therapy demonstrates diverse and innovative approaches, which include live, improvised and pre-composed music, from music therapy teams working in secure treatment settings. The book covers clinical development, research, supervision and discussion of institutional and multi-disciplinary team dynamics. It will inform professionals about different ways to manage challenging situations in order to deliver music therapy with adults and adolescents who have committed offences, men and women with personality disorders and mental health problems, as well as men who have killed. The book also describes the development of Cognitive Analytic Music Therapy: the first manualised form of music therapy to be used in the rehabilitation of offenders. Chapters include case studies and service developments informed by theories from an established range of psychological therapies including psychoanalysis, cognitive analytic therapy, musicology and forensic psychotherapy. The significant variations and considerations when working in low, medium and high secure treatment settings are also clarified.
This book will give music therapists, forensic and clinical psychotherapists and psychologists, cognitive analytic therapists, psychiatrists, and others working in the field a wider understanding of choices, as well as demonstrating the effectiveness of tailored music therapy programmes for this complex client group.
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Foreword by Dr Estela Welldon, Founder and Honorary Elected President for Life, International Association for Forensic Psychotherapy. Preface. Introduction. Part I. The Institutional Setting. 1. An Overview of Working Therapeutically in the High Secure Setting. Dr Phyllis Annesley, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, National High Secure Healthcare Service for Women, Rampton Hospital, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust and Dr Lindsay Jones, Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Cognitive Analytic Therapy Practitioner, NHS North Yorkshire and York. 2. Music Therapy Supervision: Inside and Outside the Hospital Walls. Prof Helen Odell-Miller, Professor of Music Therapy, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. 3. ‘Containment or Contamination?’: Establishing a Service for Patients with Dangerous and Severe Personality Disorder (DSPD). Petra Hervey, Music Therapist and Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, Sheffield Health & Social Care NHS Trust and Helen Odell-Miller, Professor of Music Therapy, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. 4. Communication, Collaboration and the Clinical Team: Working with Long-stay In-patients. Philip Hughes, Music Therapist, NHS, Hertfordshire and Irene Cormac, Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist, Rampton Hospital, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust. Part II. Clinical Music Therapy from Adolescent to Adult Offenders. 5. A Case of Work, Rest and Play: Music Therapy in Early Onset Psychosis. Stella Compton Dickinson, Research Lead in Arts Therapies, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Forensic Services. 6. Managed and Managing in a Medium Secure Service: An Arts Therapies Managerial Perspective. Sarah Hill, Head of Arts Therapies and Vocational Services Manager at North London Forensic Service, Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust. 7. Introducing Group Cognitive Analytic Music Therapy (G-CAMT) to a Women’s Enhanced Medium-secure setting: A Pilot Project and Results. Stella Compton Dickinson, Research Lead in Arts Therapies, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Forensic Services and Rebecca Lawday, Chartered Forensic Psychologist, Women’s Services at Arnold Lodge, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust. 8. ‘Do you Want to be in My Band?’: Music Therapy in the Context of the Recovery Model in a High Security Hospital. Alex Maguire, Senior Music Therapist, Broadmoor Hospital, Berkshire and Ian Merrick, Clinical Specialist Occupational Therapist, Broadmoor Hospital, Berkshire. 9. Working with Conflict: A Musical Analysis and Summary of Developments with a man suffering with Paranoid Schizophrenia. Stella Compton Dickinson, Research Lead in Arts Therapies, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Forensic Services and Dr Manjit Gahir, Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist and Lead Consultant, National High Secure Deaf Service, Rampton Hospital, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust. 10. Group Cognitive Analytic Music Therapy (G-CAMT): A Developmental Pilot Group for Men who have Killed or Committed Grievous Bodily Harm. Victoria Sleight, Music Therapist, Rampton Hospital, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust and Stella Compton Dickinson, Research Lead in Arts Therapies, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Forensic Services. 11. Music, Mourning and the Matrix: An Exploration into the Impact of Loss and Death upon a closed Music Therapy Group. Rebecca Roberts, Music Therapist, Rampton Hospital, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust. 12. ‘The Curious Case of the Lost Boy’: A Sequel to the Treatment of a Psychopathic Offender with Dangerous and Severe Personality Disorder. Stella Compton Dickinson, Research Lead in Arts Therapies, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Forensic Services. Conclusion. Bibliography. List of Tables. List of Figures. List of CD Examples.