The Zuni Mountain Poets” work is as diverse as the cultures among which they live: Zuni and Navajo tribes; a Mormon community; remnants of Hispanic and Tex-Mex cultures; and most recently folks of all ages who love the Zuni Mountains and the opportunities to build, farm, and appreciate a pristine corner in the high New Mexican desert.
Three poets in this anthology have had poetry books published: Ethel Mortenson Davis (I Sleep Between the Moons of New Mexico); Paula Sayword (What Sleeps Inside); and Donald Sharp (Other Days). Three have published novels. Jim Janko wrote Water Buffalo Boy and Geronimo. Steve Pettit has written Running With the Moon and Tom Davis Salt Bear.
The anthology ranges from poetry reminiscent of the imagistic tradition of poetry, to works that would be comfortable being sung from the stage of the Grand Old Opry or Broadway theater, to free verse poetry that explores the human heart and spirit, to narrative verse, to sonnets.
As Margaret Gross says in the introduction, “We invite you to turn the pages and linger for a little while in our words.”
1 Ebooks by John Carter-North
John Carter-North & Thomas Davis: The Zuni Mountain Poets
The Zuni Mountains have over 360, 000 acres of pristine wilderness. The volcanic area of the El Malpais National Monument is riddled with great, black lava flows, caves, and lava tubes. The El Morro …