Ninteen Sixty. Brittan had finally throwen off the effects of the Second World War, and life was beginning to boom. For the main person in the story, his life was beginning to take shape, and his future was looking very bright. and life couldn’t be better. Then one day, with one letter, his life was about to change when he received his call up papers for the National Service. This is a story about growing up into the man he is today.
Mengenai Pengarang
Everyone in life has a unique story to tell whether it’s about themselves, or just about life in general. This is a story about any young man growing up during the sixties. It’s about searching for love, adventure or a change in his life. This is about what happens when young men were conscripted into the National Service to do their duty for Queen and country. This story is about one young man’s adventure during that period in time, based on the writers own experiences was he is torn from the life he knew and thrown into a different lifestyle.