A world trapped between the dimensions of science and magic. A world torn. A world filled with high adventure, where death lurks behind every corner.
Do you dare enter?
Do you dare not?
The Realm of The Gateway is a fantasy/science fantasy role playing game set on the mythical world of Uylande.
It is a world trapped inside a dimensional portal between the dimensions of science and magic. Half the world obeys the physical laws of magic, while half the world obeys the physical laws of science. Where the two meet is a land of chaos called the Death Zone.
Welcome to The Science Realm. Adventure awaits in the dark allies of domed cities, in the shadows of oppressive corporations, in ancient ruins hidden from prying eyes, or in deep space, exploring new frontiers. Come to a world where Humans work side-by-side with Androids, genetically modified and vat grown Humans, and Cybots, robotic bodies powered by an organic brain.
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Welcome to The Realm of the Gateway! Find out the history of the Atlanteans and their journey to the world of Uylande.
Chapter One: Character Creation
Find out how to create a character for The Science Realm. This chapter introduces the different player races and the methods used for generating and calculating the different attributes for a character. There is also an introduction for the Gamemaster on generating non-player characters.
Chapter Two: Professions and Skills
In this chapter the different professions are introduced as well as the starting skills for each profession. Chapter two also gives the mechanics for skill use as well as a complete listing of the skills available to characters in The Science Realm. Finally, the chapter concludes with a discussion on experience, experience levels and the rules for character advancement.
Chapter Three: Combat
This meaty chapter talks about most character’s favorite thing, combat! Here you will find the mechanics for combat, rules for called shots and critical hits, the effect of armor on combat and all the tables needed for combat. There are also lists of weapons and armor common to The Science Realm. Lastly the chapter talks about healing and healing aids available in The Science Realm.
Chapter Four: Technology
This chapter covers all the cool tools and toys the characters want and need. From vehicles to gear to robots, it’s all here.
Chapter Five: Spaceflight and Starships
An introduction to space flight and faster-than-light travel. Rules for traversing the cosmos, and for ship-to-ship combat. This chapter also gives several starships common to The Science Realm
Chapter Six: Psionics and the Use of Will
Psionics are the abilities and powers of the mind. Chapter four introduces these powers and the mechanics to use them. It also introduces the concepts of Concentration and Mental Endurance which are used for psionics as well as magic and some mutations. More than 25 psionic powers are described and detailed.
Chapter Seven: Hazards
This chapter, meant mostly for the Gamemaster, introduces the different hazards that await the characters in their adventures through the world. The chapter starts with a selection of natural animals, both from Earth and native to Uylande. Plants come next, with an interesting selection of useful and dangerous plants. Humanoids, giants and other creatures found in the wild round out the creatures section. And, of course, what chapter on hazards would be complete without a discussion of poisons and diseases. The chapter finishes with the effects of radiation and vacuum.
Chapter Eight: Adventuring in The Science Realm
The history of the world, from its fiery beginnings to current times. A closer look at Trinoc, one of the continents of The Science Realm as well as some details of several of the domed city-states that dot the land. A few starbases are listed to whet your appetite. The chapter finishes with ideas and notes for the Gamemaster on running adventures in The Science Realm.
Appendix A: Tables
This appendix takes all the different charts and tables from the book and repeats them in one place for ease of reference. Skill modifiers, combat tables and hit locations are included here.