Ana Cavalcanti is Professor of Software Verification at the University of York and Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies, and is working on software engineering issues for robotics like modelling, validation, simulation, and testing. She currently leads the Robo Star research group at the University of York. Her research is on theory and practice of verification and testing for robotics.
Brijesh Dongol is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Surrey. His research is on formal techniques and verification methods for concurrent and real-time systems. This includes concurrent objects, transactional memory and associated correctness conditions; weak memory models; algebraic techniques; and hybrid systems. He leads several projects funded by the EPSRC, research institutions and industrial partners and is a member of the Formal Methods Teaching Committee.
Rob Hierons joined The University of Sheffield in 2018 as a full Professor. His research concerns the automated generation of efficient, systematic test suites on the basis of program code, models or specifications. He is joint Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Software Testing, Verification, and Reliability (STVR) and is a member of the editorial boards of The Computer Journal and Formal Aspects of Computing.
Jon Timmis is Professor of Intelligent and Adaptive Systems at the University of Sunderland, where he is Deputy Vice-Chancellor, and is Visiting Professor at the University of York. His research focuses on biologically-inspired systems and modelling, with applications in robotic and swarm robotic systems as well as computational biology. He has commercialized his research into modelling and simulation in the biosciences. He is a former Royal Society-Wolfs on Research Merit Award holder and a Royal Academy of Engineering Enterprise Fellow.
Jim Woodcock is Professor of Software Engineering at the University of York, known for his research, teaching, and consultancy in the application of industrial-scale software engineering and formal methods. He is a Chartered Engineer, a fellow of the UK Royal Academy of Engineering, and a member of the London Mathematical Society. His current research is in modelling and reasoning about uncertainty in robotic applications.
7 Ebooks by Jon Timmis
Darren D.R. Flower & Jon Timmis: In Silico Immunology
Whatever its final readership and impact, we, the Editors, feel this book is im portant. It addresses the realisation that there is a deep and abiding synergy, albeit one only now being properly exp …
Peter J. Bentley & Mathieu Capcarrere: Advances in Artificial Life
The Arti?cial Lifetermappearedmorethan20yearsagoinasmallcornerof New Mexico, USA. Since then the area has developed dramatically, many researchers joining enthusiastically and research groups sprouti …
Peter Bentley & Emma Hart: Artificial Immune Systems
In many ways, our immune systems are as complex as our brains. They learn, predict, remember and adapt, protecting us from the maelstrom of pathogens that infect us daily. Computer Science frequently …
Uwe Aickelin & Paul S. Andrews: Artificial Immune Systems
Arti?cial immune systems (AIS) is a diverse and maturing area of research that bridges the disciplines of immunology and engineering. The scope of AIS ranges fromimmune-inspiredalgorithmsandengineeri …
Emma Hart & Andy Hone: Artificial Immune Systems
Arti?cial immune systems (AIS) is a diverse and maturing area of research that bridges the disciplines of immunology and computation. The original research impetus in AIS had a clear focus on applyin …
Mike Hinchey & Bernd Kleinjohann: Distributed, Parallel and Biologically Inspired Systems
st This volume contains the proceedings of two conferences held as part of the 21 IFIP World Computer Congress in Brisbane, Australia, 20-23 September 2010. th The first part of the book presents the …
Ana Cavalcanti & Brijesh Dongol: Software Engineering for Robotics
The topics covered in this book range from modeling and programming languages and environments, via approaches for design and verification, to issues of ethics and regulation. In terms of techniques, …