Pengarang: Joseph A. Wolf


5 Ebooks by Joseph A. Wolf

Gregor Fels & Alan Huckleberry: Cycle Spaces of Flag Domains
This research monograph is a systematic exposition of the background, methods, and recent results in the theory of cycle spaces of ?ag domains. Some of the methods are now standard, but many are new. …
Geoffrey Mason & Ivan Penkov: Developments and Retrospectives in Lie Theory
The Lie Theory Workshop, founded by Joe Wolf (UC, Berkeley), has been running for over two decades. These workshops have been sponsored by the NSF, noting the talks have been seminal in describing ne …
Geoffrey Mason & Ivan Penkov: Developments and Retrospectives in Lie Theory
The Lie Theory Workshop, founded by Joe Wolf (UC, Berkeley), has been running for over two decades. At the beginning, the top universities in California and Utah hosted the meetings, which continue t …
Joseph A Wolf: Harmonic Analysis on Commutative Spaces
This book starts with the basic theory of topological groups, harmonic analysis, and unitary representations. It then concentrates on geometric structure, harmonic analysis, and unitary representatio …