Here it is; I wrote these three words when I began to journal on my quest to find God in my life. Sometimes we question God’s existence when things get hard and we begin to doubt our level of faith. My goal was to find Him active in the victories, as well as, in the defeats while trying to understand the role He plays. Along th eway, I began to discover and recognize the saves He extends to us all and the importance of using them for good. My hope is that you journal through the pages in discovering your level of faith and begin to recognize the saves given. It’s bringing the spotlight on God as you grow in your faith; you begin to see Him in a different way. It was a simple question of me asking if He could see little ‘ole me just standing in the road. And, what I found is, He did.
Mengenai Pengarang
Joy Schulz is a teacher by nature with an education degree who encourages others to be bold in their faith. She is a business owner and has started various ministries and community outreach youth programs that assist those in need. Her goal in life is to equip and inspire others in making a difference in the lives of others. She is a mother of three boys and has been married for 28 years to the love of her life.