Volume 28 of ‘Progress in Drug Research’ contains 8 articles, a subject index for this volume, an alphabetic subject index for volumes 1-28, and an author and subject index for all the volumes which have so far been published. The contributions of volume 28 are particularly con- cerned with biogenic amines, with immunology and the pharmacology of the immune system, with antiviral agents, with amino-quinoline an- timalarials, with the axoplasmic transport, with drug treatment of as...
Volume 28 of ‘Progress in Drug Research’ contains 8 articles, a subject index for this volume, an alphabetic subject index for volumes 1-28, and an author and subject index for all the volumes which have so far been published. The contributions of volume 28 are particularly con- cerned with biogenic amines, with immunology and the pharmacology of the immune system, with antiviral agents, with amino-quinoline an- timalarials, with the axoplasmic transport, with drug treatment of asthma and with the role of adipose tissue in the distribution and stor- age of drugs. The authors have tried, and I think they have succeded, not only to summarize the current status of particular fields of drug research, but also to provide leads for future research activity. The articles of this volume will be of special value to those actively engaged in drug re- search, and to those who wish to keep abrest ofthe latest developments influencing modern therapy. In addition, it is believed that the 28 volu- mes of ‘Progress in Drug Research’ now available represent a useful reference work of encyclopedic character. l The editor would like to take the bccasion of the publication of this volume to express his gratitude both to , the authors and to the readers.