Pengarang: Judi Bean

Judi is an exuberant, dedicated wife, mother of two, and grandmother of seven. She and her husband, John, live in a small rural community in Central Oklahoma. She has composed several comedic poems about her children through the years; however, this is her first children’s book. It was composed with their first granddaughter in mind but has since depicted the ambiance of their whole family. It is her desire that the reader come away with a true knowledge of fulfillment for his or her own life.

3 Ebooks by Judi Bean

Judi Bean: The Little Princess and the Land O’ Plenty
A gathering of people will most always send out a sense of camaraderie or unrest to those sitting on the outside looking in. One is inclined to think there is a secret to the former. There isnt reall …
Judi Bean: But…..Did You See the Roses?
This is a book of comedic poems about my children and grandchildren along with a sprinkling of others. It is my wish that they know how much they are loved. The details of their birth and childhood a …
Judi Bean: Once Upon A Time Outside Of Time
Although this book is written from a worldly view, it very intricately describes time from beginning to end. The subliminal message of the Cross is designed to hopefully direct the reader to The Way. …