Anaesthesia at a Glance is a brand new title that
provides a concise and visually-orientated summary of a
comprehensive lecture course in anaesthesia. Ideal for clinical
undergraduate medical students and Foundation Programme doctors
undertaking anaesthesia attachments, it gives a systematic, broad
view of anaesthesia in various specialties, taking the reader
through preparation, management and the pharmacology behind
anaesthetic medicine.
Anaesthesia at a Glance is suppor...
Jadual kandungan
Preface 4
How to use your textbook 5
About the companion website 8
Abbreviations 9
1 History of anaesthesia 10
2 Monitoring 12
3 Equipment 14
4 Airway device...
Mengenai Pengarang
Julian Stone is Consultant Anaesthetist, Great
Western Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Swindon, and Senior Clinical
Lecturer, University of Bristol
William Fawc...