Pengarang: K. P. Raverkar

Dr. RAMESH CHANDRA is Professor of Soil Microbiology at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar from November 2002. Currently, he is working as Head of the Department of Soil Science from June 2009 and Joint Director Research in the University from November 2010. He is also holding prestigious position of IFFCO Professor Chair in the University. He received his Ph.D. from the same University in 1985. He has 25 years research, teaching and extension experience and edited 4 books, 3 technical bulletins and 1 laboratory manual. Dr. Chandra has published peer reviewed 54 research papers in national and international journals, besides presentation of several research papers in national and international conferences/ symposiums. He also delivered several guest lectures in advanced faculty trainings in SAUs. He has completed several research projects funded by ICAR and other agencies and guided 4 Ph.D. and 8 P.G. students in Soil Science. Currently, he is leading the Research Group on Grain Legumes in the University as Programme Coordinator Pulses. Dr Ramesh Chandra served the Indian Society of Soil Science, New Delhi as Councillor of for biennium 2005-06. He is Fellow of Indian Society of Pulses Research and Development, Kanpur and Indian Society of Agricultural Chemists, Allahabad. He has organized a National Symposium on ‘Balanced Fertilizer to Sustainable Soil Health, Crop Production and Food Security”, 17th the Annual Chickpea group Meet and was co-organizer of Winter School on ‘Soil Quality for Sustainable Agriculture”. The research area of his interest is biological nitrogen fixation, rhizospheric microorganisms, Soil biological properties and carbon sequestration. He is in editorial Board of Pantnagar Journal of Research and reviewer of several National and International Journals.><>< Dr. K. P. RAVERKAR is Associate Professor, Soil Science and Microbiology at Department of Soil Science, College of Agriculture, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar obtained Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. He has been awarded with prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru Award for his outstanding Doctoral work in the field of Agricultural Microbiology. He holds about 25 years of experience in the field of Soil Microbiology, Biofertilizer Technology, Organic Farming etc. Prior to this he has served at Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan (H.P.) as Assistant Professor; Indian Institute of Soil Science (ICAR), Bhopal (M.P.) as Senior Scientist; and as a Consultant and Visiting Scientist at International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, Hyderabad, (A.P.). Dr. Raverkar has visited University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada as a Visiting Scientist for a period of one and half year. He was also a member of Watershed Evaluation Team of ADB-ICRISAT project and visited Thailand, Vietnam and other countries. He has more than 25 research papers, 30 book chapters and 12 bulletins. He has also four books to his credit. He is a reviewer of number of National and International scientific journals and an Editor of Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science and Annals of Agricultural Research

1 Ebooks by K. P. Raverkar

Dr Ramesh Chandra & K. P. Raverkar: Bioresources for Sustainable Plant Nutrient Management
One of the current problems in crop production is increased dependency on costly imported inputs. The limited availability and imbalance use of chemical fertilizers in developing countries has led to …