Pengarang: Kate O. Connor

Kate O”Connor lebt mit ihrer Familie in München. Schon als Kind war sie eine Leseratte und schrieb und illustrierte Bilderbücher. Mit ihrem Erstlingswerk “Geheimnisvolle Leidenschaft” hat sie sich den Traum vom eigenen Buch erfüllt. Seither hat sie sehr erfolgreich drei historische Liebesromane aus ihrem Lieblingsland – Schottland – veröffentlicht. Von Kate O”Connor ist auch der zeitgenössische Liebesroman “Herzstolpern” erhältlich.

8 Ebooks by Kate O. Connor

Lyn Yates & Peter Woelert: Knowledge at the Crossroads?
There is much discussion about what needs to change in education institutions in the 21st century, but less attention given to how core disciplinary studies should be considered within that context. …
Heroic Fantasy Short Stories
New authors and collections. Somewhere between epic historical fantasy, sword and sorcery and Tolkien-esque fantasy exists a thick vein of storytelling that would make Robert E Howard and H.G. Wells …
Science Fiction Short Stories
New Author and collections. A deluxe edition of super-charged, original and classic short stories. Dystopia, Post-Apocalypse, time travel, robots and more this brilliant collection brings together …
Kate O’Connor: Unbundling the University Curriculum
In a context in which explicit attention to the curriculum has been sidelined in universities’ strategy, this book makes an argument for why curriculum matters, both in understanding the effects …
Nicole Davis & Amy (University of Melbourne, Australia) McKernan: Temporality, Space and Place in Education and Youth Research
This book explores the everyday ways in which time marks the experience of education as well as the concerns and methods of education and youth research. It asks: what do we notice afresh and what co …
Nicole Davis & Amy (University of Melbourne, Australia) McKernan: Temporality, Space and Place in Education and Youth Research
This book explores the everyday ways in which time marks the experience of education as well as the concerns and methods of education and youth research. It asks: what do we notice afresh and what co …