Aldona Jonaitis is Director Emerita of the University of Alaska Museum and professor of anthropology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. She is the coeditor of Unsettling Native Art Histories on the Northwest Coast (UW Press, 2020), and the author of Art of the Northwest Coast, second edition (UW Press, 2021), Discovering Totem Poles (UW Press, 2012), Art of the Northwest Coast (UW Press, 2006), and The Yuquot Whalers” Shrine (UW Press, 1999), among other books on the art of the Northwest Coast.
2 Ebooks by Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse
Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse & Aldona Jonaitis: Unsettling Native Art Histories on the Northwest Coast
Inseparable from its communities, Northwest Coast art functions aesthetically and performatively beyond the scope of non-Indigenous scholarship, from demonstrating kinship connections to manifesting …
Robin K. Wright: Skidegate House Models
Explores the Skidegate model village carved by Haida artists for the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair In 1892 seventeen Haida artists were commissioned to carve a model of Hl Gaagilda Llnagaay (the village …