Leadership education has become an essential outcome of highereducation in the past decade and yet leadership development effortsvary greatly on campuses.
In response, the International Leadership Association (ILA)published ‘Guiding Questions: Guidelines for Leadership Education Programs.’ The Guiding Questions document is aresult of a five-year, collaborative process to create guidelinesfor leadership education programs. ILA’s format of open-endedguiding questions is applicable ...
Leadership education has become an essential outcome of highereducation in the past decade and yet leadership development effortsvary greatly on campuses.
In response, the International Leadership Association (ILA)published ‘Guiding Questions: Guidelines for Leadership Education Programs.’ The Guiding Questions document is aresult of a five-year, collaborative process to create guidelinesfor leadership education programs. ILA’s format of open-endedguiding questions is applicable to any student affairs practitionerdeveloping a leadership learning program.
This sourcebook was developed specifically to assist highereducation professionals in their understanding, conceptualization, and implementation of the five standards outlined in the ILAGuiding Questions: Context, Conceptual Framework, Content, Teachingand Learning, and Assessment of Leadership Education. It exploresleadership education for undergraduate students and provides afoundation for readers to develop students’ leadershipcapacity. Using the ILA’s Guiding Questions as a framework, this sourcebook will enable you to develop a leadership educationprogram on your campus.
This is the 140th volume of this Jossey-Bass highereducation quarterly series. An indispensable resource for vicepresidents of student affairs, deans of students, studentcounselors, and other student services professionals, New Directions for Student Services offers guidelines andprograms for aiding students in their total development: emotional, social, physical, and intellectual.