When Joe Patterson arrives in a rural upper Midwestern river town in order to fix up and sell his late father’s ‘cabin, ‘ a host of issues for which he’s not prepared confront him: the cabin is in shambles, his body aches, his checking account is almost empty, and he meets a twelve-year-old boy in need of help. A story of hope, loss, and redemption, Mississippi River Museum explores the unlikely friendship between two orphans who bond over fishing, bikes, and eating fried catfish.
Mengenai Pengarang
Keith Pilapil Lesmeister is the author of the story collection We Could’ve Been Happy Here. He’s a founding editor of Cutleaf, a literary journal, and East Over Press. His fiction has appeared in American Short Fiction, Gettysburg Review, New Stories from the Midwest, North American Review, SLICE, Terrain.org, and many others. His nonfiction has appeared in the Good Men Project, River Teeth, Sycamore Review, Tin House Open Bar, Water~Stone, and elsewhere. A graduate of the Bennington Writing Seminars, he lives and works in the Driftless region of northeast Iowa.