This unique collection provides a psychosocial approach to emotion, exploring the emotional undercurrents of everyday phenomena as diverse as war reporting, advertising, education, criminality, public policy and motherhood, and including contributors from sociology, psychology, cultural and media studies, and psychoanalytical studies.
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PART I: A PSYCHOSOCIAL APPROACH TO EMOTION Introduction; S.Day-Sclater, D.Jones, H.Price & C.Yates The Missing Dimension: Emotions in the Social Sciences; M.Rustin Representation, Affect and the Theory of the Subject; A.Elliott Winnicott; J.Mitchell PART II: EMOTIONS IN THE ‘PUBLIC’ SPHERE Explosive Humiliation and News Media; B.Richards ‘Restless with Love; Full of Demands’: Demotic Celebrity, Popular Emotion and Affect in the Public Sphere; J.Evans Masculinity, Flirtation and Political Communication in the UK; C.Yates ‘Count the beats of your heart not the fingers on your hand’: The Emotionalization of Promotional Culture; H.Powell PART III: EMOTIONS IN THE ‘PRIVATE’ SPHERE Thinking Psychosocially about Difference: Ethnicity, Community and Emotion; S.Clarke Panic and Perjury: A Psychosocial Exploration of Agency; W.Hollway & T.Jefferson Separation and Changing Identity in Becoming a Mother for White, Bangladeshi, African and African Caribbean Mothers; C.Urwin Intimacies; J.Brown PART IV: PRACTICES, INTERVENTIONS AND THERAPIES ‘Be quiet and listen’: Emotion, Public Policy and Social Totality; A.Cooper Emotion and Contemporary Developments in Criminology; L.Gelsthorpe ‘Emotional Literacy’ Promotion in Schools: A Psychosocial Perspective; H.Price Personality Disorder, Emotion and Criminal Responsibility; D.Jones Between the Body and Social Trauma: Working with the Aftermath of Torture; N.Diamond Conclusion: B.Richards
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JOANNA BROWN is a Lecturer in Mental Health at the University of Southampton, UK SIMON CLARKE is Professor of Psycho-Social Studies and Director of the Centre for Psycho-Social Studies at the University of the West of England, UK ANDREW COOPER is Professor of Social Work at the Tavistock Clinic and the University of East London, UK SHELLEY DAY SCLATER is Professor Emerita of Psychology and Law at the University of East London, UK NICOLA DIAMOND is Senior Lecturer in Psychosocial Studies University of East London, UK ANTHONY ELLIOTT is Professor of Sociology at Flinders University, Australia and Visiting Research Chair at the Open University, UK JESSICA EVANS is Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Cultural Studies at the Open University, UK LORAINE GELSTHORPE is Reader in Criminology and Criminal Justice at the Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge, UK WENDY HOLLWAY is Professor in Psychology at the Open University, UK TONY JEFFERSON is Professor Emeritus at Keele University, UK DAVID W. JONES is Principal Lecturer in Psychosocial Studies at the University of East London, UK JULIET MITCHELL is Professor Emerita of Psychoanalysis and Gender Studies at the University of Cambridge where she is also a Fellow Emerita of Jesus College, UK HELEN POWELL is Senior Lecturer and programme leader in advertising at the University of East London, UK HEATHER PRICE is Senior Lecturer in Psychosocial Studies at The University of East London and Deputy Course Tutor of the MA in Psychoanalytic Studies at the Tavistock Clinic, UK BARRY RICHARDS is Professor of Public Communication and Director of the Institute for Media and Communication Research at Bournemouth University, UK MICHAEL RUSTIN is Professor of Sociology at the University of East London, and a Visiting Professor at the Tavistock Clinic, UK CATHY URWIN is a Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist and an Adult psychotherapist working in the National Health Service and in private practice in the UK CANDIDA YATES is Senior Lecturer in Psychosocial Studies at The University Of East London, UK