Die 16. GI/ITG-Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (Ki VS 2009) befasst sich als wichtigstes deutschsprachiges Forum für Forschung und Entwicklung auf den Gebieten Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme mit einer großen Vielfalt von innovativen und zukunftsorientierten Fragestellungen. Sie spannt dabei einen Bogen von allgegenwärtigen verteilten Anwendungen über Middleware-Konzepte und Protokolltechniken bis hin zu modernen Netztechniken mit ihren Mobilitäts- und Sicherheitsfragen. Die Ki VS dient der Standortbestimmung aktueller Entwicklungen, der Präsentation laufender Forschungsarbeiten und der Diskussion zukunftsträchtiger Ansätze für die Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen.
Jadual kandungan
Funknetze.- Practical Rate-Based Congestion Control for Wireless Mesh Networks.- Paving the Way Towards Reactive Planar Spanner Construction in Wireless Networks.- Preventing Service Discovery Cache Reply Storms in Wireless Mesh Networks.- Standardization and Research — How Do These Two Fit Together?.- Bringing ICT Research into Standardisation — What Can Standards Bodies Do?.- Adaptive Systeme.- Query Processing and System-Level Support for Runtime-Adaptive Sensor Networks.- Self WISE: A Framework for Developing Self-Stabilizing Algorithms.- MASDynamics: Toward Systemic Modeling of Decentralized Agent Coordination.- Service-Oriented Computing.- Leveraging the BPEL Event Model to Support Qo S-aware Process Execution.- Automated Integration of Web Services in BPEL4WS Processes.- Dynamic Message Routing Using Processes.- Abstract User Interfaces for Mobile Processes.- Leistungsbewertung.- A New Service Curve Model to Deal with Non-FIFO Systems.- Providing Probabilistic Latency Bounds for Dynamic Publish/Subscribe Systems.- Traffic, Structure and Locality Characteristics of the Web’s Most Popular Services’ Home Pages.- Seamless Dynamic Reconfiguration of Flow Meters: Requirements and Solutions.- Sicherheit.- Towards the Design of Unexploitable Construction Mechanisms for Multiple-Tree Based P2P Streaming Systems.- Turning the Tables: Using Wireless Communication Against an Attacker.- Evaluation of Attack Countermeasures to Improve the Do S Robustness of RSer Pool Systems by Simulations and Measurements.- Towards a Generic Backup and Recovery Infrastructure for the German D-Grid Initiative.- From Modelling to Execution of Enterprise Integration Scenarios: The GENIUS Tool.- Pluggable Authorization and Distributed Enforcement with pam_xacml.- Kurzbeiträge.- Enhancing Application Layer Multicast Solutions by Wireless Underlay Support.- Strombasierte Struktur-Validierung von simple content in XML-Dokumenten.- CLIO — A Cross-Layer Information Service for Overlay Network Optimization.- Improving TCP’s Robustness to Packet Reordering.- Banishing Patch-Cables from LAN Parties.- A Middleware for the Controlled Information Exchange Between Online Games and Internet Applications.- Re-sequencing Buffer Occupancy of a Concurrent Multipath Transmission Mechanism for Transport System Virtualization.- Designing a Decentralized Traffic Information System — Auto Nomos.- Preisträger.- UMTS Radio Network Planning: Mastering Cell Coupling for Capacity Optimization.- Stochastic Packet Loss Model to Evaluate Qo E Impairments.- Unsynchronized Energy-Efficient Medium Access Control and Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks.- Novel Network Architecture for Optical Burst Transport.- Abstract: Lightweight Authentication for HIP.