Pengarang: Kristin Strømsnes

​ Bernard Enjolras is a Research Professor at the Institute for Social Research in Oslo. He is Director of the Center for Research on Civil Society and Voluntary Sector. He has been the coordinator of the EU-FP7 project Third Sector Impact and Editor-in-Chief of Voluntas International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations (ISTR, Springer), as well as Deputy Director and  Research Director at the Institute for Social research (2006-2014). His research interests are related to different aspects of civil society and the third sector, public policies and governance issues, civic and political engagement, social media and digitalization, terror and trust, and freedom of speech. He holds a Ph.D. in Sociology, from the University of Québec in Montréal (Canada) and a Ph.D in Economics from the University of Paris I. Panthéon-Sorbonne (France). He also is a graduate from the Institut dʼEtudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences-po).  Kristin Strømsnes is Professor at the Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen and Senior Researcher at the Uni Research Rokkan Centre. She was one of the founders of Center for Research on Civil Society and Voluntary Sector in 2008, and functioned as Research Coordinator for the center the first five years.  Among her main research interests are political participation and mobilization, voluntary organizations and social capital, as well as the Scandinavian civil society model.

2 Ebooks by Kristin Strømsnes

Bernard Enjolras & Kristin Strømsnes: Scandinavian Civil Society and Social Transformations
This book aims at presenting a conceptual apparatus and empirical analysis of the ways Nordic civil society is affected by social transformations by focusing on the Norwegian case. The Norwegian empi …
Lars Skov Henriksen & Kristin Strømsnes: Civic Engagement in Scandinavia
Since the 1990’s, a number of studies have documented a remarkable high and stable amount of popular engagement in civic organizations in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Often these countries have been c …