Pengarang: Larisa Beilina

Larisa Beilina is a Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. She holds a Ph D in Mathematics (2003) from Chalmers University of Technology, and has co-authored and co-edited several books on inverse problems and related fields, including “Inverse Problems and Applications” (ISBN 978-3-319-12498-8), published by Springer. Her main research achievements are in the solution of coefficient inverse problems using an adaptive finite element method for wave propagation and electromagnetics.  Maïtine Bergounioux is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Orléans, France. She holds a Ph D in Applied Mathematics (1985) from the University of Lille, France, and the title of Habilitation (1993) from the University of Orléans. She has authored and edited several books, including “Introduction au traitement mathématique des images – méthodes deterministes” (ISBN 978-3-662-46538-7) and “Mathematical Image Processing” (ISBN 978-3-642-19603-4), both published with Springer.  Michel Cristofol is a Professor at Aix-Marseille University, France. He completed his Ph D in Mathematics (1998) at the University of Provence, France and his Habilitation (2011) at Aix-Marseille University.  His research interests include partial differential equations, inverse problems on hybrid media, and linear and non-linear parabolic systems. Anabela Da Silva is a CNRS researcher at the Institut Fresnel, France. She holds a Ph D in Optics and Photonics (2001) from the University Pierre et Maris Curie, Paris, France, and the title of Habilitation (2013) from Aix-Marseille University, France. Her research interests include the development of optical-based and hybrid biomedical imaging systems, modeling of light propagation through biological tissues with the Radiative Transport Equation, multiphysics modeling, and associated inverse problem resolution methods. Amelie Litman is a CNRS researcher at the Institut Fresnel, France. She holds a Ph D in Applied Mathematics (1997) from the University of Paris Sud, France, and the title of Habilitation (2009) from the University of Provence, France. Her research interests include inverse problems, nonlinear optimization algorithms and electromagnetic scattering. 

7 Ebooks by Larisa Beilina

Larisa Beilina & Michael Victor Klibanov: Approximate Global Convergence and Adaptivity for Coefficient Inverse Problems
Approximate Global Convergence and Adaptivity for Coefficient Inverse Problems is the first book in which two new concepts of numerical solutions of multidimensional Coefficient Inverse Problems (CIP …
Larisa Beilina: Applied Inverse Problems
This proceedings volume is based on papers presented at the First Annual Workshop on Inverse Problems which was held in June 2011 at the Department of Mathematics, Chalmers University of Te …
Larisa Beilina & Yury V. Shestopalov: Inverse Problems and Large-Scale Computations
This volume is a result of two international workshops, namely the Second Annual Workshop on Inverse Problems and the Workshop on Large-Scale Modeling, held jointly in Sunne, Sweden from May 1-6 2012 …
Larisa Beilina: Inverse Problems and Applications
​​This volume arose from the Third Annual Workshop on Inverse Problems, held in Stockholm on May 2-6, 2012. The proceedings present new analytical developments and numerical methods for solutions of …
Larisa Beilina & Evgenii Karchevskii: Numerical Linear Algebra: Theory and Applications
This book combines a solid theoretical background in linear algebra with practical algorithms for numerical solution of linear algebra problems. Developed from a number of courses taught repeatedly b …
Larisa Beilina & Maïtine Bergounioux: Mathematical and Numerical Approaches for Multi-Wave Inverse Problems
This proceedings volume gathers peer-reviewed, selected papers presented at the “Mathematical and Numerical Approaches for Multi-Wave Inverse Problems” conference at the Centre Internacional de Renco …
Mohammad Asadzadeh & Larisa Beilina: Gas Dynamics with Applications in Industry and Life Sciences
This proceedings volume gathers selected contributions presented at two instances of the ‘JSPS/SAC Seminar: On Gas Kinetic/Dynamics and Life Science’, held by the Chalmers University of Technology an …