Laurent Pernot is Member of the Institut de France and Professor of Greek Language and Literature at the University of Strasbourg. He is the author of numerous books in his field, including Rhetoric in Antiquity; Alexandre le Grand: Les risques du pouvoir; and Epideictic Rhetoric: Questioning the Stakes of Ancient Praise. He is also the editor of New Chapters in the History of Rhetoric.
2 Ebooks by Laurent Pernot
Laurent Pernot: Before the Ivy
All Cub fans know from heartbreak and curse-toting goats. Fewer know that, prior to moving to the north side in 1916, the team fielded powerhouse nines that regularly claimed the pennant. Before the …
Marie-Francoise Baslez & Philippe Hoffmann: L”invention de l”autobiographie d”Hésiode à saint Augustin
Les formes littéraires du roman et de l”autobiographie ont en commun de n”être guère représentées dans la Grèce classique et de s”être constituées à partir de l”époque hellénistique et romaine. E …