Professional services are estimated to be worth up to $700 billion
worldwide, but as the market matures there is an urgent need for
new marketing thinking for global players or small businesses
alike. This book applies the core principles of strategic marketing
to professional services for the first time, in an approach that is
at once accessible and compelling. With case studies from a range
of companies including J. Walter Thompson, market research
companies, the ?big four? accounting firms, Headhunters, Interbrand
and large US legal firms, it is intended to become the definitive
book for effective strategic marketing in professional services.
Jadual kandungan
Foreword ix
Acknowledgements xi
About the Author xiii
Introduction: Setting the scene 1
Part I Strategic Issues 33
1 Growth strategies 35
2 Gaining market perspective 55
3 Client segmentation 79
4 Creating and managing a professional services brand 95
5 Competitive strategy 123
6 Handling international operations and cultural differences 139
Part II Making Marketing and Business Development Work 157
7 The organisation and management of marketing in professional services firms 159
8 Personal business generation 197
9 Creating or relaunching services 225
10 Communicating with markets 263
11 Client service 295
12 Marketing and human capital 319
Part III The Marketer’s Tool Kit 335
References 405
Index 409
Mengenai Pengarang
LAURIE YOUNG is a specialist in the marketing of services and customer care. His career includes senior positions with Pricewaterhouse Coopers, BT and Unisys. In the 1990s he founded, built and sold his own professional service firm, focussing on service marketing. Over the years he has advised a number of firms, from small, single partner, practices to large, multinational organisations on the contribution of services marketing to shareholder value.
Also by Laurie Young: Competitive Customer Care with Merlin Stone and Making Profits From New Service Development.