Lee Franklin is an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and a board certified chaplain (Association for Professional Chaplains). She currently serves as a hospice chaplain in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. A frequent contributor to Daily Bible Studies, she is also the author of A Pastor s Practical Guide to Funerals (Abingdon Press, 2013). She writes for publications, including Circuit Rider for United Methodist clergy, and Plain Views, a chaplaincy journal. Lee also leads workshops for laity and clergy on pastoral care, grief, death, and dying.
3 Ebooks by Lee Franklin
Lee Franklin: A Pastor’s Practical Guide to Funerals
This straight-forward book integrates the pragmatic “how to” of the funeral process–especially in dealing with “difficult” funerals–with the art of being a caring and healing presence before, durin …
Randy Cross & Lee Franklin: Daily Bible Study Summer 2018
Summer theme:Justice in the New Testament Matthew | Luke | 2 Corinthians | Colossians This summer, Daily Bible Study presents a series of readings following the theme "Justice in the New Testame …
Lee Franklin: From Behind His Glasses
"Oh what a tangled web we weave?" Have you ever had a moment that was unlike any other moment in your life? The moment that had the power to determine who you were from that second until et …