Pengarang: Leigh Barandon

Leigh Brandon, the Founder of Body CHEK has a mission to help as many people as possible to reach their health and performance potential, so they can live more productive, fulfilling and happier lives. He combines a number of professions to provide a truly comprehensive approach to helping his clients and athletes. Leigh has specialised in injury rehabilitation, wellness and sports conditioning since 1996. In addition to his skills as a practitioner, he is an author of four fitness books and two e-books, an international presenter and a member of the C.H.E.K Institute Faculty. Leigh also produced The Tennis Conditioning Series courses Levels 1, 2 & 3 for the CHEK Institute and teaches and lectures all over the world. Leigh has helped many people overcome back, neck, shoulder and knee pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, achieve their ideal weight and has helped athletes both amateur and professional improve performance, win medals and eliminate recurring injuries. Leigh’s clients include British and European champions and record holders and Olympic athletes. Leigh’s approach has enabled him to help clients with the most difficult conditions to achieve success where other modalities have previously failed. His experience has shown that the conventional approach to health, disease, exercise and nutrition don’t sufficiently satisfy the needs of the general population or professional athletes. Leigh is passionate to help people achieve their goals using a holistic approach over the long term and wishes to educate the people about ‘the truth’ to achieving health, vitality and optimal performance.

1 Ebooks by Leigh Barandon

James Berrange & Leigh Brandon: Anatomy for Strength and Fitness Training for Speed and Sport
What does it take to succeed in sports? The formula for being a champion can be distilled into several skill sets that are essential for playing at a competitive level, with some of the most importan …