A rich database of over 2, 200 outsourcing arrangements, studied across sectors and geographies, and over time, from inception, through contract signing, to outcomes. This book has unparalleled insight into the robust practices that have been proven effective time and again.
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List of Tables List of Figures Series Preface Acknowledgements Permissions and Credits Notes on Authors and Co-Authors Foreword Time for a Rethink; Michael J. Salvino Preface; M.Lacity & L.Willcocks Robust Practices from Two Decades of ITO and BPO Research; M.Lacity , L.Willcocks & S.Solomon What Providers Say about Establishing the Outsourcing Arrangement; M.Lacity & L.Willcocks What Providers Say about Managing Outsourced Services; L.Willcocks & M.Lacity Creating Shared Services in the Private and Public Sectors; M.Lacity The Changing Role of Client Project Management; M.Lacity & J.Rottman Best of Breed Versus Bundled Services; L.Willcocks , I.Oshri & J.Hindle Rural Sourcing and Impact Sourcing; M.Lacity & J.Rottman Shifting to Cloud Services: Current Challenges and Future Opportunities; L.Willcocks , W.Venters , E.Whitley & J.Hindle Appendix A: Research Method Appendix B: Glossary Appendix C: References
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KEVIN CAMPBELL Group Chief Executive of Accenture’s Technology growth platform JOHN HINDLE Senior Manager in Global Marketing for Accenture HR Services ILAN OSHRI is Associate Professor of Strategy and Technology Management at Rotterdam School of Management Erasmus, the Netherlands JOSEPH ROTTMAN Director of the International Business Institute, an Associate Professor of Information Systems and a Research Fellow in the Center for International Studies at the University of Missouri St. Louis, USA STAN SOLOMON Ph.D. student in Logistics & Supply Chain Management at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, USA WILL VENTERS Member of faculty within the Information Systems and Innovation Group, part of the Department of Management at the London School of Economics, UK EDGAR WHITLEY Reader in Information Systems in the Information Systems and Innovation Group at the London School of Economics, UK.