Pengarang: Letizia Tanca

Roberto De Virgilio is with Università di Roma Tre as Post Doc fellow under the supervision of Riccardo Torlone. The last years his research focuses on Semantic Web information management at different levels of abstraction. Fausto Giunchiglia is professor of computer science at the University of Trento, Department of Information and Communication Technology, ECCAI Fellow. His research has covered many different areas: knowledge representation, context and reasoning with context, knowledge management and peer-to-peer knowledge, semantic web, formal methods, theorem proving, and model checking. Letizia Tanca is a full professor with Politecnico di Milano. Her research interests range over all database theory, especially on deductive, active and object oriented databases, graph-based languages for databases, and the semantics of advanced database and information systems, representation and querying of semistructured information. Her most recent research interests concern context-aware database design, data integration, schema evolution, mobile databases and very small databases for mobile devices.

5 Ebooks by Letizia Tanca

Francesco Colace & Massimo De Santo: Data Management in Pervasive Systems
This book contributes to illustrating the methodological and technological issues of data management in Pervasive Systems by using the Data Benc project as the running case study for a variety of res …
Roberto de Virgilio & Fausto Giunchiglia: Semantic Web Information Management
Databases have been designed to store large volumes of data and to provide efficient query interfaces. Semantic Web formats are geared towards capturing domain knowledge, interlinking annotations, an …
Giuseppe Anastasi & Emilio Bellini: Methodologies and Technologies for Networked Enterprises
The need for flexibility and globalization forces enterprises to decentralize their activities and continuously (re)structure their networks of relationships regarding both their productive "sup …
Stefano Ceri & Georg Gottlob: Logic Programming and Databases
The topic of logic programming and databases. has gained in- creasing interest in recent years. Several events have marked the rapid evolution of this field: the selection, by the Japanese Fifth Gene …
Luciano Baresi & Chiara Francalanci: Progettazione integrata di dati e funzioni
Questo volume presenta una raccolta di esercizi di progettazione concettuale e logica di Sistemi Informativi, discutendo alternative di soluzione motivate da diverse situazioni ambientali. Nello svol …