This book shows college instructors how to communicate their course organization to students in a graphic syllabus–a one-page diagram, flowchart, or concept map of the topical organization–and an outcomes map–a one-page flowchart of the sequence of student learning objectives and outcomes from the foundational through the mediating to the ultimate. It also documents the positive impact that graphics have on student learning and cautions readers about common errors in designing graphic syllabi.
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About the Author ix
Preface x
Acknowledgments xiii
1 The Limits of a Text Syllabus 1
2 How and Why Graphics Enhance Learning 14
3 Designing a Graphic Syllabus 26
4 Charting an Outcomes Map 61
5 How Graphics Benefit Course Organization 87
Appendix A. More Model Graphic Syllabi for Inspiration 101
Appendix B. Computer Software for Graphic Syllabi and Outcomes Maps 159
Bibliography 163
Index 173
Mengenai Pengarang
Linda B. Nilson is founding director of the Office of Teaching Effectiveness and Innovation at Clemson University.