Dr. Francesco Testa is Principal Researcher at Ericsson Research in Pisa. He received the Engineering degree , summa cum laude, from the University of Rome in 1980. In 1982 he received a scholarship from Fondazione Ugo Bordoni in Rome, for researching on integrated optics. He started working in 1985 at Alcatel-Face Italy on the research of coherent optical systems. He joined Ericsson in Rome in 1991, where he worked on the first demonstrations of WDM transport systems in the framework of the European projects RACE and ACTS. He was later involved in the hardware design and development of transmission and switching equipments for SDH, DECT, Local Multipoint Distribution System (LMDS), GSM and Access networks products. He is currently engaged in the research on optical systems and photonic integrated technologies for 5G and data center networks. He has co-authored many papers in the field of optical communications and he was invited speaker at ECOC 2015 conference in Valencia and at the SPIE Conference on Silicon Photonics and Photonic Integrated Circuits in Brussels in 2012. He holds more than 40 patents. He is the technical coordinator of the IRIS project in the FP7 European Union Framework Program. He has co-authored a chapter of the book Silicon Photonics III edited by Lorenzo Pavesi and David Lockwood, Topics in Applied Physics vol 122 (Springer-Verlag, 2016).
Dr. Lorenzo Pavesi is a Professor of Experimental Physics, director of the Nanoscience Laboratory and head of the Department of Physics at the University of Trento. He received his Ph D in Physics in 1990 at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale of Lausanne). He founded the research activity in semiconductor optoelectronics at the University of Trento and started several laboratories of photonics, growth and advanced treatment of materials. He was the first president and founder of the IEEE italian chapter on Nanotechnology. His interests encompass classical and quantum integratedsilicon photonics. He is a frequently invited reviewer, monitor or referee for photonics projects by several grant agencies. He is an author or co-author of more than 400 papers, author of several reviews, editor of more than 20 books (including the successful books Silicon Photonics I, II, III, Topics in Applied Physics, Springer-Verlag), author of 2 books and holds 7 patents. He is chief specialty editor of the section Optics and Photonics of Frontiers in Materials, and in the editorial board of APL Materials and Research Letters in Physics.. In 2010 and 2011 he was elected distinguished speaker of the IEEE- Photonics society. He is a fellow of IEEE and senior member of SPIE. He holds an H-number of 53 according to the web of science and of 64 according to Google Scholar.
13 Ebooks by Lorenzo Pavesi
Francesco Testa & Lorenzo Pavesi: Optical Switching in Next Generation Data Centers
This book introduces the reader to the optical switching technology for its application to data centers. In addition, it takes a picture of the status of the technology and system architecture evolut …
Lorenzo Pavesi & Rasit Turan: Silicon Nanocrystals
This unique collection of knowledge represents a comprehensive treatment of the fundamental and practical consequences of size reduction in silicon crystals. This clearly structured reference introdu …
Lorenzo Pavesi & Philippe M. Fauchet: Biophotonics
More profound understanding of the nature of light and light-matter interactions in biology has enabled many applications in the biology and medical fields. So a new discipline is born, namely biopho …
Lorenzo Pavesi & David J. Lockwood: Silicon Photonics III
This book is volume III of a series of books on silicon photonics. It reports on the development of fully integrated systems where many different photonics component are integrated together to build …
David J. Lockwood & Lorenzo Pavesi: Silicon Photonics II
This book is volume II of a series of books on silicon photonics. It gives a fascinating picture of the state-of-the-art in silicon photonics from a component perspective. It presents a perspective o …
Lorenzo Pavesi & Laurent Vivien: Handbook of Silicon Photonics
The development of integrated silicon photonic circuits has recently been driven by the Internet and the push for high bandwidth as well as the need to reduce power dissipation induced by high data-r …
Gerard Guillot & Lorenzo Pavesi: Optical Interconnects
Optical Interconnects provides a fascinating picture of the state of the art in optical interconnects and a perspective on what can be expected in the near future. It is composed of selected reviews …
Sergey Gaponenko & Luca Dal Negro: Towards the First Silicon Laser
Silicon, the leading material in microelectronics during the last four decades, also promises to be the key material in the future. Despite many claims that silicon technology has reached fundamental …
Eugenia V. Buzaneva & Lorenzo Pavesi: Frontiers of Nano-Optoelectronic Systems
Since their discovery, low dimensional materials have never stopped to intrigue scientists, whether they are physicists, chemists, or biochemists. Investigations of their nature and functions have al …
David J. Lockwood & Lorenzo Pavesi: Silicon Photonics IV
This fourth book in the series Silicon Photonics gathers together reviews of recent advances in the field of silicon photonics that go beyond already established and applied concepts in this technolo …
Lorenzo Pavesi & Laurent Vivien: Handbook of Silicon Photonics
The development of integrated silicon photonic circuits has recently been driven by the Internet and the push for high bandwidth as well as the need to reduce power dissipation induced by high data-r …