Rabbi Margaret Moers Wenig, DD, teaches liturgy and homiletics at Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion in New York and is rabbi emerita of Beth Am, The People”s Temple. She contributed to May God Remember: Memory and Memorializing in Judaism—Yizkor, Who by Fire, Who by Water—Un”taneh Tokef, All These Vows—Kol Nidre, and We Have Sinned: Sin and Confession in Judaism—Ashamnu and Al Chet (all Jewish Lights).
3 Ebooks by Lynn Gottlieb
Sharon Cohen Ainsfeld & Tara Mohr: The Women’s Passover Companion
A powerful—and empowering—gathering of women’s voices transmitting Judaism’s Passover legacy to the next generation. The Women’s Passover Companion offers an in-depth examination of women’s relations …
Elyse Goldstein: New Jewish Feminism
Jewish Feminism: What Have We Accomplished? What Is Still to Be Done? “When you are in the middle of the revolution you can’t really plan the next steps ahead. But now we can. The book is intended to …
Lynn Gottlieb & Rabia Harris: Peace Primer II
It is common today to hear the claim that we are engaged in ‘a clash of cultures.’ The first step in addressing conflict is for all parties to listen to each other. That is the goal of this publicati …