Pengarang: Mario Calabresi

Mario CalabresiMario Calabresi has worked for Italian news agency ANSA and for the Roman daily La Stampa. He has served as managing editor of the Italian daily La Repubblica and currently works as their New York correspondent.Michael F. MooreMichael F. Moore is the translator of the novels Three Horses (Other Press, 2005) and God”s Mountain by Erri De Luca, The Silence of the Body by Guido Ceronetti, the poetry of Alfredo Giuliani, and essays by Pier Paolo Pasolini. He is currently working on a new translation of the classic nineteenth-century novel The Betrothed, by Alessandro Manzoni.

3 Ebooks by Mario Calabresi

Mario Calabresi: A occhi aperti
Negli ultimi cinque anni Mario Calabresi ha raccolto una serie di interviste ai più grandi fotografi della scena internazionale (Paul Fusco, Josef Koudelka, Mc Curry, Don Mc Cullin, Elliott Erwitt, A …
Mario Calabresi: Pushing Past the Night
Mario Calabresi: Eyes wide open
Eyes wide open is a collection of Mario Calabresi's interviews with renowned international photographers: Steve Mc Curry, Josef Koudelka, Don Mc Cullin, Elliott Erwitt, Paul Fusco, Alex Webb, Gab …