Abbys Answers continues to follow the everyday challenges and delights of Abby, Daisy, and the many colorful individuals who reside in rural Fairfield, New Hampshire. Mystery, romance, and adventure abound in this sequel to the novel, Daisys Dreams. Several new characters join the cast of familiar faces, as secrets are uncovered and love blossoms in the mid-1800s.
When the beloved young minister of the community begins to act strangely, questions arise. Suspicions mount further at the discovery of his untimely disappearance. Amid the scandal, hope emerges. Will it last, or will it simply crumble under the pressure of new challenges? Will the Hunter and Browning families seemingly unshakeable faith withstand the onslaught of life-changing trials?
An unsolved mystery is gradually unearthed, leading many to venture outside the comfortable borders of Fairfield to find answers. Can life ever remain the same, or will these answers change everything? Through the joys and heartaches, can the characters discover Gods amazing plan for the town?
Mengenai Pengarang
Mary and Melissa Lemke are identical twin sisters from New Hampshire who married identical twin brothers from upper Michigan. They are former critical-care nurses who now enjoy their roles as stay-at-home wives and homeschooling mothers. They feel blessed to be able to share encouraging words with others.