Pengarang: Matthew Douglas Pinard

Matthew Douglas Pinard is the author of The New Wine series. He was born and raised in southeastern Michigan and has a bachelor”s degree in psychology from the University of Michigan and a master”s degree in military history from Louisiana State University. Matthew is also a former US Army JAG legal specialist. He and his wife Carol Rose are recent trans¬plants from west Michigan and now live in beautiful Prescott Valley, Ari¬zona, with their two dogs Reese, a chocolate Lab, and Cleetus, a Redbone Coonhound. Matthew is a ranked Shihan (sixth degree) in Hakko Den shin Ryu Japanese Jujutsu and enjoys hiking, communing with the other side, praying for world peace, and photographing archangels in his spare time.

1 Ebooks by Matthew Douglas Pinard

Matthew Douglas Pinard: The Lion’s Gate
                        The Lion’s Gate opening on August 8th, 2021 was an even …