Mathew Lawrence is founder and Director of Common Wealth, a think tank that designs ownership models for a democratic and sustainable economy. He is the co-author of Planet on Fire. Mathew”s writing and work has appeared in the Guardian, the Nation, The Economist, The New Statesman, and the FT, among others; he is also an experienced media performer, on both TV and radio.
3 Ebooks by Matthew Lawrence
John Galluzzo & Matthew Lawrence: Shipwrecks of Stellwagen Bank
Beneath the churning surface of Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary rest the bones of shipwrecks and sailors alike. Massachusetts’ ports connected its citizens to the world, and the number of m …
Adrienne Buller & Mathew Lawrence: Owning the Future
The question of ownership is the critical fault line of our times. During the pandemic this issue has only become more divisive. Since March 2020 we have witnessed the extraordinary growth of asset m …
Publicações Pão Diário: Dia a dia com os puritanos ingleses
Coisas maravilhosas!’ Foi o que disse, extasiado, o egiptólogo Howard Carter, quando seus colegas lhe perguntaram o que a luz da chama que ele apontava ao redor da recém-descoberta tumba do rei Tutan …