Sinners in Paradise by Max Afford is a tantalizing mystery that will captivate fans of thrilling crime fiction. Set against the glamorous yet shadowy backdrop of a tropical paradise, this gripping novel follows a series of chilling murders that disrupt the serene island life. When a prominent figure is found dead under mysterious circumstances, detective Sam Morgan is called in to solve the case. As he delves into the island’s dark underbelly, he uncovers a web of greed, corruption, and hidden sins among the island’s elite. Can Morgan unearth the truth before more lives are lost, or will the sins of paradise prove too deadly to unravel? Prepare for a suspenseful ride filled with unexpected twists and gripping drama.
Mengenai Pengarang
Max Afford (1906–1954) was an Australian playwright, radio producer, and mystery novelist. He gained recognition for his crime fiction, particularly for the Jeffrey Blackburn series, which featured a resourceful detective solving intricate mysteries. Afford was also a pioneer in Australian radio drama, producing popular shows during the golden age of radio. His contributions to both literature and broadcasting helped shape early Australian entertainment. Despite his relatively short life, Afford left a lasting legacy in Australian mystery fiction and radio storytelling.