Melanie Brown’s debut novel Beauty Behind The Mask, is a magical story based on her past life memories of living in the 13th century as a healer always hiding her true self for fear of being condemned as a witch. a man she comes to despise and that man has been arranged to marry her when she comes of age. her heart lye’s with his half brother Julius. death, poverty and starvation and disease are rife, secrets hidden, outlaws and fights, tales to be told. the memories where small fragments like shattered glass to I linked them together with fantasy, passion and the heart.
Mengenai Pengarang
Melanie Brown is a spiritual soul who enjoys the gifts of nature and life itself. She began writing a year ago after suffering some set backs in her personal life. She used the combination of her writing and her recalled memories of her past life as an outlet to heal old wounds. Melanie decided to tell the amazing story of a life she lived long ago and had forgotten for hundreds of years, as a way of preserving her memories in a fairy tale type adventure, where anything is possible, if only you believe.
Melanie lives in Northampton with her family. In her spare time, she enjoys making scented candles. She is interested in natural healing, the arts, and writing. She is a practitioner in the art of reiki and crystal healing. her passion for writing will always be her first love but this spiritual side helps with her writing. she plans on writing a book telling a tale of how Julius seeks his sweet revenge.