Pengarang: Melissa Adams VanHouten

MELISSA ADAMS VANHOUTEN holds a Master”s degree in political science. She is a former university political science instructor and corporate trainer who resides in Indianapolis. As the creator and administrator of several online support and advocacy groups, she now spends her days advancing the cause of those who struggle to live with gastroparesis. Melissa”s advocacy group, Gastroparesis: Fighting for Change, has made huge strides, passing awareness proclamations in 23 states, contributing to the implementation of a national awareness month, and starting a petition drive to advance a congressional bill that would greatly benefit the gastroparesis community. Learn more at

1 Ebooks by Melissa Adams VanHouten

Lynda Cheldelin Fell & Melissa Adams VanHouten: Real Life Diaries
In Living with Gastroparesis, 15 women invite readers inside the misunderstood world of gastroparesis and other motility disorders. Answering candid questions and confessing firsthand emotions, fears …