Desensitized. Thats what all sports fans have become to the plethora of criminal-athletes that pervade our sports culture. So what will the bombastic owner of the New England Mavericks do when he learns that Americas most notorious inmate has developed a literally unhittable pitch while playing for his prison baseball team? A sportsworld littered with bad boys who belong on Cops rather than on a box of Wheaties is deplorable. But when a man can throw the ball 81 times per game and not one pitch is so much as foul-tippedwhats not to love?
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Mike Seid is a former stand up comic and lifelong sports fan. Chuckin’ Chuck is his first novel. He has also written the screenplay Of Yuppie Scum, the screenplay adaptation of Chuckin’ Chuck and co-wrote the screenplay Number One With a Bullet. Born in the Bronx, he played Little League baseball on the very plot of land that the new Yankee Stadium stands (the House that Seid Built?) After stops in Queens, Los Angeles and NYC, he currently resides in Cranford, New Jersey. His future hobbies will include sky diving, spelunking and rock climbing, but that is only if his 42” Plasma breaks beyond repair. And hell freezes over.