‘Potted Grammar’? ‘Natural Dialectic?’ This book is a companion to ‘Science and the Soul’ whose subtitle reads ‘facts and philosophy translated into Natural Dialectic’. It extracts, for clarity, the framework of that book; it thereby simplifies a model of creation that is ancient and, in scientific terms, bang up-to-date. After an explanation of the way that Natural Dialectic works, the narrative turns to explain how an orderly act of creation is expressed and physical, psychological and biological phenomena can be systematically related. It proceeds to abbreviate the explanation of these scientific subjects given in Science and the Soul. Is this explanation rigorous and accurate enough? The last Chapter is entitled Truth, Appearance and Reality. The book, one of a series grouped as Cosmic Connections (website www.cosmicconnections.co.uk), is very thought-provoking. It is a riveting explanation of the way things are bolted together! And it makes a fine philosophical machine! Could its routine accurately reflect the origin and operation of our home, the cosmos? Just allow that information is an immaterial entity. Allow that consciousness is not a physical phenomenon and journey, intellectual seat-belt fastened, far and fast from there…
Jadual kandungan
Chapter 1: Primary Assumptions
Chapter 2: Questions Arising
Chapter 3: Models
Mount Universe
Concentric Rings
Chapter 4: Three Cosmic Fundamentals
Chapter 5: Stacks
Chapter 6: Models and Stacks
Chapter 7: A Hierarchical Perspective
Hierarchical, Triplex Construction of the Cosmic Pyramid
The Cosmological Axis
Chapter 8: Essence
Source and Sink
Chapter 9: Extremities
Chapter 10: Existence
Polarity/ Duality
Chapter 11 Elements of the Basic Existential Dipole
Upper Pole – Information
(Sat) Potential Information
(Raj) Active Information
(Tam) Passive Information
Lower Pole – Energy
(Sat) Potential Energy
(Raj) Active Energy
(Tam) Passive Energy
Informed Energy
Chapter 12: An Act of Creation
Orderly Creation
Law and Order
Purposely Down to Earth
Getting Your Way – Pragmatics
What Do You Mean?
Information’s Infrastructure – Code
The Lowest, Physical Level
Chapter 13: Triplex Mind
Triplex Mind
The Neurological Delusion
Does Brain Originate or Mediate?
Top-down Psychology
First State of (Super-)Consciousness –
The Psychology of Transcendence
Second State of Consciousness –
The Psychology of Waking Normalcy
The Third State of (Sub-)Consciousness –
The Psychology of Dreaming
The Psychology of Deep Sleep
The Non-State of Consciousness –
Psychology of Physic
Frozen Time
Psychosomatic Linkage
The Typical Mnemone
H. archetypalis, the Image of Man
H. electromagneticus
How Does the Connection Work?
How Did the Wired Connections First Link Up?
Chapter 14: Triplex Physics
(Sat) Potential Energy
Lack of Cosmo-logic
Can Mathematics Help Us?
Towards a Theory of Physic and Metaphysic
The Principles of a Unified Theory of Matter
(Raj) Active Energy
(Tam) Passive Energy
Alpha Points.
Points Omega
The Matrix
Chapter 15: Triplex Biology
(Sat) Potential Biology
(Raj) Active Biology
(Tam) Passive Biology
The Basis of Biology is Information
The Principles of a Unified Theory of Biology
The Central Executive is Homeostasis
Nuclear Super-Computing
Conceptual Biology
Darwin: Half Right, Wholly Wrong?
Chemical Evolution?
What’s the Problem?
Chapter 16: Truth, Appearance and Reality
Truth, Appearance and Reality
Two Value Systems
Rights and Wrongs
From Science to Conscience
Is There an Absolute Morality?
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Mengenai Pengarang
see www.scienceandphilosophy.co.uk